

   GM Case 11 Case scenario..... Hi, this is B. Meghana, 3 rd BDS student. This is an online e-blog book to discuss our patient's health data after taking his consent. This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio. CASE SHEET: A 67 year old male came with chief complaint of shortness of breath since 1 week. Fever since 5 days. Vomiting since 2 days. Loose stools since 2 days. CHIEF COMPLAINT: Shortness of breath since 1 week.  Fever since 5 days.  Vomiting since 2 days.  Loose stools since 2 days. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Patient is apparently asymptomatic  1 week ago. When he noticed shortness of breath since 1 week. The shortness of breath is insidious on onset and gradually progressive from grade 2 to grade 3. There is no chest pain The pain in abdomen since 1 week. The pain is on and off on left lumbar region. Fever since 3 days which is high grade at evening there is local rise in temperature. Fever is associated with chills, rigors which is relieved  on


   GM Case 10 Case scenario..... Hi, this is B. Meghana, 3 rd BDS student. This is an online e-blog book to discuss our patient's health data after taking his consent. This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio. CASE SHEET: A 22-year-old female came with chief complaint of fever since 4 days. CHIEF COMPLAINT: Fever since 4 days. Headache since 4 days. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Patient is apparently asymptomatic 4 days ago. When she noticed fever since 4 days. Patient has intermittent, sudden onset, low grade fever which is relieved on medication. The fever is not associated with chills and no increase in temperature at night. Headache since 4 days. The pain is radiating from left to right. The pain is continuous, not relieved on medication. There is no vomiting and shortness of breath.  HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS: No asthma, diabetes , hypertension, tuberculosis, epilepsy, cad FAMILY HISTORY: No similar compliment. PERSONAL HISTORY: Diet - mixed Bowel and bladd

GM Case 9

  GM Case 9 Case scenario..... Hi, this is B. Meghana, 3 rd BDS student. This is an online e-blog book to discuss our patient's health data after taking his consent. This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio. CASE SHEET: A 67 year old male came with chief complaint of shortness of breath since 1 week. Fever since 5 days. Vomiting since 2 days. Loose stools since 2 days. CHIEF COMPLAINT: Shortness of breath since 1 week.  Fever since 5 days.  Vomiting since 2 days.  Loose stools since 2 days. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Patient is apparently asymptomatic  1 week ago. When he noticed shortness of breath since 1 week. The shortness of breath is insidious on onset and gradually progressive from grade 2 to grade 3. There is no chest pain The pain in abdomen since 1 week. The pain is on and off on left lumbar region. Fever since 3 days which is high grade at evening there is local rise in temperature. Fever is associated with chills, rigors which is relieved  on me


   GM Case 8 Case scenario..... Hi, this is B. Meghana, 3 rd BDS student. This is an online e-blog book to discuss our patient's health data after taking his consent. This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio. CASE SHEET: A 32 year old male came with chief complaint of abdominal pain ,fever since 7 days and burning micturition since 3 days. CHIEF COMPLAINT: abdominal pain since 7 days  fever since 7 days  burning micturition since 3 days. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Patient is asymptomatic 7days ago. since 1 week he is suffering from abdominal pain. the pain is pricking type of pain, continuous, aggravated on inspiration. The pain is in left iliac and right iliac region.  fever since 7 days, on and off, high grade , intermittent, associated with chills. Dry cough since 1 day, on and off which is relieved on taking inspiration. Burning sensation during micturition since 3 days, no frequency no urgency. No vomiting, shortness of breath, palpitation, no nausea,


  GM Case 7 Case scenario..... Hi, this is B. Meghana, 3 rd BDS student. This is an online e-blog book to discuss our patient's health data after taking his consent. This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio. CASE SHEET: A 30 year old male came with chief complaint of abdominal pain and burning micturition since 3 days. Chest pain since 1 year. CHIEF COMPLAINT: pain in abdomen since 3 days. burning micturition since 3 days. Chest pain since 1 year. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Patient is asymptomatic 3 days ago. since 3 days pain in the epigastric region. Pain is progressive, aggravated after food intake which is relieved after 2 to 3 hours. Abdominal pain is twitching type of pain. Burning sensation during micturition since 3 days. There is no increase or decrease in urine output. Chest pain is radiating from right to left till left hand. No vomiting, no fever, no loose stools, no cough , no cold. HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS: He has no diabetes, no hypertension,


    GM Case 6 Case scenario..... Hi, this is B. Meghana, 3 rd BDS student. This is an online e-blog book to discuss our patient's health data after taking his consent. This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio. CASE SHEET: A 56 year old female came with chief complaint of pain in abdomen since 10 days. CHIEF COMPLAINT: pain in abdomen since 10 days. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Patient is asymptomatic 10 days ago. She had fever for 3 days. It is a low grade fever, intermittent and associated with chills. No vomiting, no loose stools, no cough , no cold. weakness since yesterday. On 3 rd day of fever, there was shortness of breathe. Which was insidious, on set and decreased by lying down. Tenderness in abdomen was felt in epigastric and right hypochondrium region. Nausea is present. HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS: She has no diabetes, no hypertension, CAD, tuberculosis, asthma. FAMILY HISTORY: No similar complaint PERSONAL HISTORY: Occupation: housewife Diet: mixed Ap

GM Case 5

   GM Case 5 Case scenario..... Hi, this is B. Meghana, 3 rd BDS student. This is an online e-blog book to discuss our patient's health data after taking his consent. This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio. CASE SHEET: A 38 year old male came with chief complaint of vomiting since 4 days. CHIEF COMPLAINT:  Vomiting since 4 days. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Patient was asymptomatic 4 days ago. He had vomiting since 4 days. It is non-projectile type of vomiting. The number of episodes were 6 to 7 times a day. Frequency decreased to 4 to 5 times a day since one day. The vomiting was watery contained food particles. The vomit is not blood tinged. He has no abdomen pain, fever, headache. Since 20 days, he had pain in lower limbs ( right and left) The pain was pricking pain, intermittent. There was no pain while he was working or walking. While on rest pain started again. Since 10 days he quite alcohol and he is on medication. HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS: 2 years ag

GM Case4

  GM Case 4 Case scenario..... Hi, this is B. Meghana, 3 rd BDS student. This is an online eblog book to discuss our patient's health data after taking his consent. This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio. CASE SHEET: A 24 year male came with chief complaint of chest pain since one month. CHIEF COMPLAINT: chest pain since one month. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Patient was asymptomatic one month ago. Since one month he is suffering from chest pain. It was radiating pain from left right. The pain was on and off . The pain was sudden it lasted for 3 to 4 hours. One week ago, he had fever which is on and off. Fever is is not associated with chills. He was feeling weak. He was feeling breathlessness since one week. It is grade1 from MMRC classification. He had no cough or cold. HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS: He has no history of diabetes, hypertension, asthma, tuberculosis, thyroid disorders. FAMILY HISTORY: No significant complaint. PERSONAL HISTORY: Occupation: agri

GM Case 3

GM Case 3   Case scenario..... Hi, this is B. Meghana, 3 rd BDS student. This is an online eblog book to discuss our patient's health data after taking his consent. This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio. CASE SHEET: A 13 year old child with fatigue and breathlessness. CHEIF COMPLAINT: patient complains of easy fatigue since one year                                     breathlessness since one year. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: she was was apparently asymptomatic till an year ago. she is an athlete in her school. suddenly she was unable to keep up her pace. While playing game she used feel breathlessness and fatigue which was sudden onset gradually relieved on rest. she wakes up at 7.30 am in the morning have her break fast by 8:30am, goes to school by 9am. She haves her lunch at 12.45pm. In the evening she return home by5.oopm or 5.30 pm. At 8 pm or 8.30pm she haves her dinner and goes to bed by or 9.30pm. HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS: She has no history o

GM Case 2

GM case 2 Case scenario..... Hi, this is B. Meghana, 3 rd BDS student. This is an online eblog book to discuss our patient's health data after taking his consent. This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio. CASE SHEET: A 60 year male who has been attacked with seizure.   Chief Complaint: Patient had seizure 4 days ago. vomiting since 3 days . HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Patient was asymptomatic 5 days ago. He had seizure 4 days ago. The attack of seizure was with gap of 3 to 4 hours. He had seizure like activity for 10 minutes. During his seizure his four limbs were rigid. His eyes were uprolling There was no involuntary micturition during his seizure. Frothing from the mouth. The patient murmurs during his sleep this started suddenly after his first seizure. Vomiting contained food particles.  The frequency was 2 to 3 times a day. There was no blood tinged in vomit. PAST HISTORY: Pulmonary tuberculosis 10 years ago(used medication for 6 months) Consumption of

GM Case 1

  GM case 1 Case scenario.... Hi, this is B. Meghana , 3 rd BDS student. This is an online eblog book to discuss our patient's health data after taking his consent. This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio. CASE SHEET: A 7 year old female with sever vomiting and loose stools. Chief Complaint: loose stools for 3days vomiting for 3 days Abdominal pain for 3 days HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: 3 Days earlier patient was asymptomatic.  Later she developed loose stools and vomiting  3 episodes in a day.  The stools was watery.  Frequency was 4 times a day.  Colour was yellow.  Stool has food content. The vomiting contained food particles.  Frequency was thrice a day.  Abdominal pain in lumbar region on and off for 3 days.  The pain was intermittent.  Dull pain is observed. PAST HISTORY: No similar complaints in the past. PERSONAL HISTORY: Occupation: student(2nd grade) Appetite: lost Diet: non- vegetarian Bowel: regular GENERAL EXAMINTION: Pallor : Yes Icterus: no C